Thursday, August 27, 2020
Buisness law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Buisness law - Assignment Example Despite the fact that the constitution is being upheld to push the area that license one to be arraigned once he/she consumes the banner. The banner consuming ought to be made unlawful. The same number of individuals assign it as a type of dissent just like blacklist, it isn't itself a discourse yet an image (Allport 98). Occurrence, at which the banner is singed to send a specific message to the legislature the demonstration, doesn't bolster the common compliance as a free discourse (Allport 98). Whoever, utilizes a banner consuming as a marker of imparting a specific issue must be considered as a criminal thus he/she should get the discipline as per the law (Allport 98). This is on the grounds that the objection to the main alteration law isn't being arranged under unlawful act. The authenticity is banner consuming is an adolescent component used to dissent. Numerous suspects and casualties of banner consuming by the day's end are sent to the prison in spite of the way that others consider intensity and saints (Allport 98). Be that as it may, the individuals of the state should regard the banner before supporting absurd choices. The Supreme Court should address this issue and correct a constitution that denies the right to speak freely of discourse through copying banner (Allport 98). The court ought to consider banner consuming as an infringement of opportunity of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Divine Comedy - Autobiographical Journey in Danteââ¬â¢s Inferno Essay examp
Danteââ¬â¢s Inferno - Autobiographical Journey à The Inferno is something other than an anecdotal tale about somebody going through the universe. It is in reality increasingly like a personal excursion of life through its creator, Dante Alighieriââ¬â¢s eyes. Written in the mid 1300s by a displeased Dante living in a state of banishment, he truly portrays a man who has been caught, and should figure out how to get away. Metaphorically, heââ¬â¢s enlightening us concerning the horrendous snapshot of emergency that happens in every last one of our lives ââ¬Å"when fiendish inside and outside of ourselves appears to obstruct any desire for additional productive developmentâ⬠. Composed initially as a long sonnet isolated into cantos or tunes, he essentially composed with the individual motivation behind account where the entirety of the individuals he came in contact inside his life, will go when they bite the dust. This could be one of three spots; Hell, Purgatory, or Heaven. He proceeded to structure explicit, fitting disci plines or rewards dependent on the existence every individual drove. Dante then tied this all togethor and made himself a character that strolls the whole length of the conceptualized...
Great Gatsby Essay -- essays research papers
Perhaps the greatest dread in this day and age is the dread of not fitting into society. Individuals of all age gatherings and foundations share this dread. Numerous people accept that to get someone's friendship, they should absorb into that individual's general public. Jay Gatsby, similar to any ordinary individual, needs to fit into society. His affections for Daisy cause him to endeavor to accomplish that objective. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby endeavors to fit into Daisy's general public using any and all means accessible. The main way Jay brings in enough cash to empower him to have the option to live approach Daisy is by bootlegging, a criminal behavior. Tom, Daisy's significant other, uncovers reality with regards to Gatsby's business, " I discovered what your 'sedate stores' wereâ⬠¦He and this Wolfshiem purchased up a great deal of side-road tranquilize stores here and in Chicago and sold grain liquor over the counter. That is one of his undertakings. I picked him for a racketeer the first occasion when I saw him and I wasn't far wrong."(141) Gatsby needs to acclimatize so gravely that he carries out wrongdoings so as to get rich rapidly. His affection for Daisy mists his psyche. Jay is happy to effectively win Daisy. Gatsby bamboozles himself to abstain from tolerating the way that Daisy wouldn't like to leave Tom: "'She's not leaving me!' Tom's words out of nowhere inclined down over Gatsby. 'Positively not for a typical backstabber who'd need to take the ring he put on her finger.' "(140) Once again the peruser is helped to remember Gatsby's readiness to do anything t...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Artistotle Essays - Social Philosophy, Ancient Greek Philosophers
Artistotle Essays - Social Philosophy, Ancient Greek Philosophers Artistotle Janet Jones Code of Ethics Research Paper Class number 409 Straight to the point Sams Aristotle was an extraordinary scholar who utilized his thinking capacity and information through others to draw moral suspicions and standards. Aristotle was once for the lessons of Plato until he started to scrutinize his way of thinking. These thoughts lead Aristotle to long stretches of composing and showing his work. Aristotle was an educator for a long time at an institute called Lyceum. Lyceum is the place Aristotle started to seek after a more extensive scope of subjects. He accepted that a man couldn't profess to realize a subject except if he is fit for transmitting his insight with others. Basically, instructing for Aristotle was as a sign of information. Before the finish of the nineteenth century researchers at the institute scrutinized his works. This family was alive during a time of devastation and defilement yet he didn't permit the morals of man to stop his long for information. I will endeavor to clarify in detail a portion of the morals that Aristotle built up. Proof has demonstrated that Aristotle affected all zones of rationale from workmanship, morals, and transcendentalism just to give some examples. Workmanship is characterized by Aristotle as the acknowledgment in outside type of a genuine thought, and is the joy, which we feel in perceiving similarities. Craftsmanship anyway isn't restricted to minor replicating. It romanticizes nature and finishes its lacks: it tries to get a handle on the all inclusive sort in the individual wonder. The differentiation between lovely workmanship and history isn't that the one uses meter, and different doesn't. The qualification is that while history is restricted to what has really occurred, verse portrays things in their general character. Subsequently, verse is more hypothetical and more raised than history. Such impersonation may speak to individuals either as preferred or as more regrettable over individuals for the most part may be, or it might neither go past nor fall underneath the normal norm. Parody is the impersonation of the more terrible instances of mankind. Be that as it may, not in the feeling of supreme disagreeableness, however just to the extent that what is low and dishonorable goes into what is funny and comic. Disaster, then again, is the portrayal of a genuine or important, arriving at activity. Depicting occasions, which energize dread and pity in the psyche of the eyewitness to refine these emotions to broaden and manage their compassion until it fits. It is along these lines a homeopathic restoring of the interests. To the extent that workmanship, all in all universalizes specific occasions, catastrophe, in portraying enthusiastic and basic circumstances, takes the spectator outside the egotistical and individual stance, and perspectives them regarding the general parcel of people. This is like Aristotle's clarification of the utilization of orgiastic music in the love of Bacchas and different divinities: it manages an outlet for strict enthusiasm and consequently steadies one's strict assessments. Religion can characterize a people moral rule. Aristotle saw morals as an endeavor to discover our central end or most noteworthy great: an end, which he keeps up, is extremely last. Through of life are numerous closures that assists, our yearnings and wants must have some last article or interest. A main end is generally called satisfaction. In any case, individuals mean such various things by the articulation that I feel important to talk about bliss. First off, joy must be founded on human instinct, and must start from the realities of individual experience. In this way, joy can't be found in any theoretical or perfect idea, similar to Plato's self-existing acceptable. It must be something useful and human. It should then be found in the work and life that is one of a kind to people. In any case, this is neither the vegetative life we share with plants nor the delicate presence that we share with creatures. Genuine satisfaction lies in the dynamic existence of a levelheaded being or in an ideal acknowledgment and manifestation of the genuine soul and self, proceeded all through a lifetime. Aristotle extends his thought of bliss through an examination of the human spirit that structures and quickens a living human living being. The human spirit has a nonsensical component, which is imparted to the creatures, and a normal component that is particularly human. The most crude silly component is the vegetative personnel, which is liable for nourishment and
Wilder Mansion Restoration essay
More stunning Mansion Restoration paper Through The Eyes of A StumpA desolate dull green greenery currently develops on a solid stump that recalls a day when its jacket of paint was perfect and it remained as the establishment for a polished bronze sculpture of a lady and two kids. Those days are a distant memory, and now everything the stump sees and hears appears to be grim. The flagpole tells the stump that he is fortunate not to have the option to see the corroded wilderness that has become the Wilder Mansion . The iron rails at the passage, the decoration pipes on the sides, even the flagpole himself, all showcase the years in their orange, rusted skin. For as long as sixty years associations, for example, Save Our History, have battled to reestablish and protect chronicled milestones. The Wilder Mansion has stood prevalently in the Elmhurst people group since 1868. The manor is a piece of the American legacy and to annihilate it for a pointless explanation like a parking garage is to sell out ones heritage.Winnebago familyThe flagpole tells the stump that the columns that once remained at the passageway, all white and flawless, are presently filthy with yellow rust stains from the hanging wires and rusted nails. The stump answers with a detailed depiction of the green wood in desperate need of rebuilding and the plants in critical need of subduing. The dome and the smokestack sit on the Wilder Mansion and gaze at the worn out rooftop, that hasn't felt the bit of man in three years, and harp on their own battered appearance. They lament over the way that they used to float over Wilder Park and display the strong layer of white on their wooden surface which is currently mostly exposed. The manor shows the wear of time on its outside however on the off chance that it were...
Friday, July 3, 2020
US Economic Recovery - 3300 Words
US Economic Recovery (Essay Sample) Content: US Economic Recovery Name Institution Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u US Economic Recovery PAGEREF _Toc449887513 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc449887514 \h 3Economic Analysis PAGEREF _Toc449887515 \h 3Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc449887516 \h 6References PAGEREF _Toc449887517 \h 7 US Economic Recovery Introduction The 2008/2009 economic recession heralded the beginning of a tough economic environment for global economies. This recession is thought to have emanated from the market crisis in the US financial markets mainly due to the toxic subprime market debt situation where a number of major financial firms were holding significant portfolios of securities backed by subprime market lending. This resulted in the collapse of large US financial giants notably the demise of Lehman Brothers which resulted in market jitters causing panic selloff of securities at various financial markets. Global financial markets are interlinked and the saying à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"when the US economy sneezes the world catches a coldà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ was proven right because other leading financial markets across Europe and Asia also followed suit and short selling of securities was the global norm. The outcome was the bankruptcy of many companies and eventually virtually all economic indicators portrayed that the global economy was in a recession. Fast forward to the end of the year 2016, all indicators indicated that the US economy had bounced back and was in fact in a boom position. This paper attempts to demonstrate that an economic recovery of the US economy has been achieved. Economic Analysis There are two types of economic indicators and they are referred to as leading indicators and lagging indicators. Leading indicators are used to predict economic changes prior to an economic adjustment whereas lagging indicators are used after an economic change or trend has already been established. This paper uses the lagging indicators because the phenomenon under study has already passed. Some of the lagging indicators of an economyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s health are the changes in the Gross Domestic Product, Unemployment Rate, Consumer Price Index, Income and Wages, Currency strength, Interest rates, Corporate Profits, and Balance of Trade (Smith, 2011). The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth is a significant measurement of the health of an economy. According to analysis from Statista (2016) the first quarter of the year 2009 had a 5.4% decline in the GDP figure indicating a declining position and the second quarter showed a further 0.5% decline in GDP from the previous quarterà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s position. Clearly all was not rosy during these two quarters. The third quarter in 2009 had a 1.3% positive growth from the previous quarter. The fourth quarter in 2009 had a 3.9% positive GDP growth. In 2010 the first quarter had a 1.7% GDP growth and the second quarter had a 3.9% growth. By this time the negative growths in the first two quarters of 2009 had been reversed. Encouraging back to back GDP growth figures have been seen all through to the year 2016 except in the first quarter of 2011 and in the first quarter of 2014 where there was a small marginal decline in GDP growth of 1.5% and 0.9% respectively. This shows that the GDP pos ition has significantly improved over the years from the negative growth in the recession period to the current positive growth being experienced. According the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS] (2012), towards the end of the 2008/2009 recession in the month of June 2009, the unemployment rate stood at 9.5%. In the month of December 2007 prior to the recession the unemployment rate was 5%. There was therefore a notable increase in the unemployment rate during the recession. As of the month of December 2015 BLS (2016) indicated that the unemployment rate was 5.0%. This was the unemployment rate before the beginning of the recession. In the months of January and February 2016 the unemployment rate was notably below the 5% mark at 4.9% in both months. This is a clear sign that from the unemployment perspective, economic recovery has been achieved. The Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased by a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.3% in the second quarter of 2009 and this was after a 2.2% increase in the first quarter of 2009 making the effective CPI-U increment for the first half ending June 2009 be 2.7%. This was a significant increase in inflation given that in the year 2008, there was a 0.1% increase in the CPI-U in the entire year (BLS, 2009). The CPI-U increased by 0.1% in March 2016 and the over the last one year the index rose by 0.9% before seasonal adjustment. This paints a picture of an improved inflation growth in the US economy in the last 12 months and a definite improvement from the 2009 position (BLS, 2016). According to BLS (2016) the quarterly seasonally adjusted percentage change in compensation in private industry against that in state and local government depicts that during the recession period in 2009 changes in government employment costs remained fairly stable fluctuating between 1% and 0.7 %. However changes in the private industry compensation cost indicated a dip from 0.9% growth in compensation to 0.2% growth. In March 2016 the growth in compensation by the government sectors had a 0.5% growth while in the private sector there was a 0.6% growth in employment compensation. Throughout the post-recession period the growth in compensation in both sectors has been showing an upward trend contrary to the downward trend witnessed during the recession period. According to the US Dollar index published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2016) showing the strength of the US Dollar over time, the Dollar strength has peaked in the recent period. During the 2008/2009 recession the US Dollar had an index ranging between 87.93 and 91.05. In January 2016 the US Dollar peaked at a strength index of 101.23 and in March 2016 the strength index retraced to 97.81. All in all, the picture painted by this index indicates that the US Dollar has been strengthening over the post-recession period by a significant margin. This increment in the US Dollar value is however in part due to circumstances affecting other currencies traded against the Dollar such as the Euro Zone Debt crisis and the recent Chinese Markets upheavals affecting the Euro and the Chinese Yuan respectively. A look at the 5 year historical nominal interest rates published by the US Treasury Department (2016) indicates that interest rates are on the increasing trajectory. The Federal Reserveà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s action of increasing the interest rates in 2009 in order to combat the recession resulted in a reversal of this policy after the recession and a very low interest regime between 2012 and 2014. However recent increases in the US Interest rates are showing a reversal in these trends and an indication of confidence in the US economy. The Historical Treasury rates graph depicts an increasing interest rate picture. According to Economic Research from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (2016), during the 2008/9 economic recession corporate profits after tax dipped to a low of 671.4 billion dollars in the fourth quarter of 2008. The picture is very different in the fourth quarter of 2015 where the corporate profits after tax were 1639.6 billion dollars. This is a remarkable recovery in corporate profits which indicates that the business conditions in the US economy have tremendously improved after the recession period. The recent periodic peaks in corporate profits after tax figures are the highest in the history of Corporate America. According to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis [BEA] (2016) the US overall Balance of Trade is in deficit. The Balance of Trade data indicates that in 2008 the trade deficit was ranging below ...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Good College Admission Essay Samples Reviews & Guide
Good College Admission Essay Samples Reviews & Guide Essays come in various types, and every one of them has a special purpose that the student should concentrate on to earn a fantastic essay. Students from all around the U.S. choose us to help write a good college essay papers. At our essay assistance, essays are always delivered in a brief moment. Your essay is an exceptional reflection of who you are as an individual. Although you must be creative whilst writing your essay, resist the temptation to acquire creative with the facts. If you are in need of a well-crafted essay, then you can depend on us to deliver. One of the absolute most troublesome elements of writing an essay is selecting a superb topic. You'll observe a similar structure in a number of the essays. Do not search for difficult and complicated vocabulary to put in your essay. There are a lot of varieties of essays, it is not hard to eliminate an eye on all your writing assignments. The challenging role in writing resume is you have only a single chance to produce an extremely good first impression to acquire work interview. A strong essay can provide you the very best opportunity to get in the school that you dream about. So if you're thinking about a potentially well-tread topic, attempt to approach it in a special way. The most difficult part to acquire an interview is to stand up'' from the crowd and draw the interest of your possible employer to supply you an interview. If you don't, you may actually hurt your odds of admission. If you're beginning to feel frustrated or overwhelmed by your essay, take a rest and do something different. As a consequence, spending money to deal with your essays could be challenging. Every student demands help with homework from time to time. There are plenty of ways of writing a letter. Current Affairs The ideal topic you may select to compose an essay can be on the present affairs. If you discover that the writer did not provide precisely what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. Once the writer is appointed, they begin working on your essay in line with the requirements you have specified in your purchase. The Tried and True Method for Good College Admission Essay Samples in Step by Step Detail In addition, don't neglect to tell the employers how you are able to contribute and why they need to take you. Some might even require multiple. It is crucial to capture the interest of the admission tutors irrespective of how strict they may appear to be. The motives should state that the degree will allow the applicant to p roduce a substantial contribution to their community. If you locate the suitable MBA admissions consultant, it's a boon. The finest MBA admissions consultants will offer one-on-one guidance aimed at your very best interests. If you would like to compose a marketing resume and searching for the tips then here we're likely to speak about tips to write marketing resume. Marketing is a creative area and thus you will need to compose your resume in a creative way. Introduction essay paragraphs are central in any bit of writing for the reason they give readers advance info about the content and the function of the material. Best professional on-line essay writer business is at your services. Body In writing your letter, make sure you say the work position you're applying for. The author starts with a rather comprehensive story of an event or description of an individual or place. Good College Admission Essay Samples Options You should take a more strategic strategy. It's very useful to take writing apart as a way to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. For a beginning, the usual application essay topics need you to use language that's totally free from language flaws and grammatical mistakes. Essentially, format will be contingent on the sort of job and industry you're applying to and the process of transmission. Our clients have various targets, an assortment of skills, and very unique ambitions. Before you write your admissions essay you have to have a comprehension of your objectives and the way in which your experiences to date prepare you for pursuing your aims. Essentially, there are significant abilities and experience necessary to be qualified for the job. If you attempt to work through the stress, you may wind up producing subpar work. Admissions officers don't expect you to be perfect, and thus don't make your essay unbelievable by attempting to pretend that you're. You may believe you have made a great case and your w riting is clear, but if a reader can't follow it, your writing isn't apparent. Additionally, the essay must incorporate the applicant's involvement in activities that are related to the degree which he or she wants to pursue. Employing real sample college essays that worked will offer you a wonderful idea about what colleges search for.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Recruitment And Selection HR Policy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1628 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? A number of articles and studies have argued that Human Resources function is more effective as a strategic partner in many organisations. The current focus has seen Human Resources Management as an integral part of the resource contributing to firms overall profitability as opposed to cost of production. The viewpoint of strategic human resource management brings to the forefront the importance of human resources practices to organisational performance, such as organisations productivity, financial performance and effective employees selection and recruitment guidelines. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Recruitment And Selection HR Policy" essay for you Create order This dissertation seeks to consider this how human resources management adds value to the changing business environment and also the accompanied problems associated with the implementation of recruitment and selection policies. It will further discuss how recruitment and selection policies can be successfully implemented into the organisations working practices to facilitate it effectiveness and how they can be used to improve business efficiency and value. It also examines the challenges the implementation of recruitment and selection could pose in a banking sector, using as case study Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) which is situated in Nigeria. Dissertation Objective, Question, Hypotheses and Justification Dissertation Objective The aim of this dissertation is to assess the importance and effectiveness of HR selection and recruitment policies at Guaranty Trust Bank and to examine how it significantly affects the organisational levels outcomes. Therefore, the objectives of this study are as follows: To obtain detailed knowledge on the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process. To establish whether the implementation of the policies helps to achieve high levels of organisational effectiveness. To investigate whether the recruitment and selection policy is applied equally, consistently and fairly. To specify the positive or negative impact of implementing the recruitment and selection HR policies. Dissertation Questions The research will help answer these questions What is the impact of HR policies in the Nigerias banking industry and how has it affected recruitment and selection processes? Which aspect of recruitment and selection processes needs to be improved on by banks in Nigeria? Do recruitment and selection practices influence the choice of applicants? What will be the impact of effective recruitment and selection process on the competitiveness of banks in the banking sector? Hypotheses This research will help answer these questions: H0: Recruitment and selection guidelines will have positive impact in the banking sector. H1: Recruitment and selection guidelines will negative impact on the organisation. H2: Recruitment and selection guidelines will not be a factor influencing the choice of applicants for a job. H3: Recruitment and selection guidelines will not have a significant impact on the competitiveness in the banking sector. Justification for the Dissertation This study will be useful in the following ways: Serve as an additional basis for studies of recruitment selection practices in Nigeria. Add to the existing knowledge of recruitment and selection practices in Nigeria. Serve as a measure to check the business performance of banks in the banking industry. Serve as a pointer to banks decision makers to improve on the implementation of their HR policies which serve as medium to improve their competitiveness. Literature Review Recruitment and Selection HR Policy: Recruitment is the method of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers and with appropriate qualifications, developing their interest in an organisation and encouraging them to apply for jobs within it (Mondy Noe, 1993; Crawford, 2004). During this process, efforts are made to inform the applicants fully about the selection criteria of the required competencies that will lead to effective performance, as well as career opportunities the organisation can provide the employee. Whether or not a particular job vacancy will be filled by someone from within, or outside, the organisation depends on the organisations human resource policies, the requirements of the job to be filled, the talent to be found and, often, the organisational politics surrounding the decision (Nankervis et al., 2002). Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position (Mondy Noe, 1993) based on conventional and non-conven tional methods (Crawford, 2004). Therefore, the effectiveness of recruitment has a significant impact on the efficiency of the selection process. The selection process should provide as much reliable and valid information as possible about applicants so that their qualifications may be carefully matched with the job requirements. While the selection process is usually the responsibility of the human resource director or similar professional, managerial and supervisory personnel in all the business units of an organisation also have an important role in the selection process (Goldrick, 1997). They need to be well versed in the conventional selection methods of psychological and aptitude testing as well as single-stage to multi-stage interviews. Further, essential experience with non-conventional selection should include graphology, group selection or assessment centre and country house weekend techniques. When the final decision of hiring is in the hands of members of a selection committee, it is important that they understand both the objectives/policies relating to selection and the overall strategic direction of the organisation. Recruitment and Selection are integrated actions. According to Armstrong (2009), recruitment was defined as the process of finding and engaging the people an organisation needs while selection involves the recruitment process concerned with deciding which applicants or candidates should be appointed to jobs (Hackett, 1991). Recruitment is primarily concerned with generating a pool of suitable candidates whereas selection is concerned with identifying those that meet the organisations requirements (Beardwell Claydon, 2007). Albrecht (2001) also states that recruitment is just a first step in developing a global workforce, a first stage in cultivating global leadership and supporting your international business. Redman et al (2009) examines recruitment as practices and activities carried out by the organisation with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees. Be that as it may, the main aim of recruitment is to ensure that the organisation is effectively and adequately staffed at all times. Therefore, the purpose is to attract suitable people for a particular job which involves matching the applicants with the criteria of the job within the organisation and eventually making a decision at the selection process (Nankervis et al, 2009). Dowling et al (2004) claims that selection is the process of gathering information for the purpose of evaluating and deciding who should be employed in specific jobs. The purpose of selection is to match people to specific jobs as it is the most important element in any organisations management of people simply because it is not possible to optimise the effectiveness of human resources if theres a less than adequate match (Roberts, 1997) Dissertation Methodology Secondary Research Method The secondary methodology approach will be adopted in this study drawing data from secondary published journals and reviewsThe current study will be conducted in a single industry to examine within-industry differences: banking. Johnson et al. (1989) argued, and found, that consolidation essentially prevents firms from implementing the full range of their strategic choices. Deregulation, as has occurred in banking industry in Nigeria, has allowed banks the freedom to exercise strategic choice. The overall effect of the structural and technical changes has contributed to HR practices, as a source of competitive advantage. The banks have moved from being order takers to being customer oriented sales organizations continually searching for more products and markets. Hunter (1997) states that banks are currently exploring new ways to organize work. Thus, banking currently offers a highly competitive environment that allows firms to exercise differing business strategies. Because of its service orientation, human resource management rises to prominence as a significant factor in strategic implementation as the employees are the product (Zeithaml and Bitner, 1996). Research Philosophy The research philosophy is made up of important assumptions about the way the world is viewed (Saunders et al (2000)). These assumptions underpin the research strategy and the methods used which is also part of that strategy. The two main research philosophies commonly used are positivism and phenomenology. The positivist angle tends towards quantitative studies while phenomenology applies to qualitative studies (Collins Hussey, 2003). The phenomenological stance supports the importance of exploring a situation so as to understand its reality (Remenyi, 1998). This is especially relevant to research studies because they are often complex and unique. A positivist philosophy is also appropriate for this research because positivism supports that findings should be observable, quantifiable and replicable (Collis Hussey, 2003). Research Approach Hyde (2000) states that there are two assumptions to reasoning which may result in the acquisition of new knowledge. They are: inductive and deductive approaches. The inductive approach is a theory building process, starting with observations of specific instances, and seeking to establish generalisations about the phenomenon under investigation. Deductive approach one the other hand is a theory testing process which commences with an established theory or generalisation and seeks to see if the theory applies to specific instances (Hyde, 2000). The inductive approach is the most appropriate for this research because it allows for the investigation and interpretation of complex situations mostly found in business environments which the deductive approach rationale and law-like generalizations of situations might not adequately capture (Bryman, 2008; Saunders et al, 2000). It was possible and easier to study the environment where findings were collected. The findings collected would be analysed and interpreted before a theory is generated (Daymon, 2002; Easterby-Smith et al, 2002) Research Method and Design The research method design to be adopted in this study will be reviews of existing employment policies, previous researches and other existing literature, combined with case study methodology and survey because it involves obtaining information directly from the staff of the bank. Timescale The whole process of completing this dissertation would take three and half months: from 30th January till 16th April 2013: Conclusion At the end, this study will seek to establish the following: Are better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved organisational outcomes? Does effectiveness of an organisations selection process influence bottom-line business outcomes, such as productivity and financial performance?
Friday, May 15, 2020
French Vocabulary Lesson A Travelers Hotel Stay
Going to France? Then you will want to know how to speak French at your hotel. Though you may be able to use English in many cases, it is always helpful to have a few French words in your vocabulary in order to make your stay go a little smoother. At the end of this French vocabulary lesson, you will be able to make your hotel reservation, ask about services and amenities, pay your bill, and identify common places and items in a hotel. Note: Many of the words below are linked to .wav files. Simply click on the link to listen to the pronunciation. Booking a Hotel (Rà ©server un Hà ´tel) First of all, lets clear up a little confusion about the word hotel (lhà ´tel) itself. In French, the phrase un hà ´tel deà villeà is not a place to stay, but rather a town hall or a city hall and it probably does not have the best accommodations. When booking your hotel, you will need to check on theà accommodations (leà logement). Most importantly, if the hotel has no vacancy (complet)à during your scheduled trip. Once you determine that a room is available, you will need to ask for any specific requirements you might have. In order to do this, you may want toà review French numbersà as well. I would like a room... Je voudrais une chambre... ... for one night / two nights. ... pour une nuit / deux nuits. ... for one person / two persons. ... pour une personne / deux personnes. ... with two beds. ... à deux lits. ... with a double bed. ... avec un grand lit. You do not want to overstay your welcome, so this question will be helpful: When is check-out time? ââ¬âà Quelle està lheureà limiteà doccupation? How to Ask for Amenities Building on the request ofà Je voudrais une chambre...,à use these phrases to ask for certain hotel amenities. I would like a room... Je voudrais une chambre... ... with a shower in the room. ... avec une douche dans la chambre. ... with a bathtub in the room. ... avec une baignoire dans la chambre. ... with a sink in the room. ... avec un lavabo dans la chambre. ... with a toilet in the room. ... avec un W.-C. dans la chambre. ... with a television in the room. ... avec une tà ©là ©vision dans la chambre. ... with a telephone in the room. ... avec un tà ©là ©phone dans la chambre. ... with an air conditioner in the room. ... avec un climatiseur dans la chambre. Paying for Your Room (Payer pour votre chambre) You do need to pay for the room and a few simple phrases will help you navigate the reception desk.à How much is it? C'est combien ? I would like to pay my bill. Je voudrais rà ©gler mon compte. I would like a receipt. Je voudrais un reà §u. The bill is incorrect. L'addition n'est pas correcte. Forms of Payment Learning how to speak about money in French will make your entire journey go a little smoother. These phrases can also be used at restaurants, shops, or anywhere else you make a purchase. I would like to pay inà cash. ââ¬âà Je voudraisà payerà en espà ¨ces. If you would like to pay with another type of payment, begin the sentence with Je voudraisà payer... and conclude it with one of these phrases. I would like to pay in... Je voudrais payer... ... with traveler's checks. ... avec des chà ¨ques de voyage. ... with a credit card. ... avec une carte de crà ©dit. Requesting Services (Demande de services) Every employee (lemployà ©)à of the hotel is there to make your stay as comfortable as possible. From the front desk clerk (rà ©ceptionniste) to the maid (laà femme de chambre), you can use these phrases to request particular services during your stay. I would like a wake-up call at 8 a.m. ââ¬âà Je voudraisà à ªtre rà ©veillà © à huit heures.I would like a taxi. ââ¬âà Je voudrais un taxi. Do you have a... Avez-vous un... ... laundry service? ... service de lessive ? ... hairdresser / barber? ... coiffeur ? ... parking lot / garage? ... parking ? Navigating the Hotel (Navigation dans lHà ´tel) You will find it useful to be able to get around the hotel and a few simple words should make it a little bit easier. Ground floor ââ¬âà leà rez-de-chaussà ©eFirst floor ââ¬âà leà premier à ©tageHallway ââ¬âà leà couloirRoom ââ¬âà laà chambre It is likely that you will need to ask where something is and this is the phrase you want to memorize. Its also quite useful as you are traveling through town, simply finish the question with the place youre looking for. Where is the... Oà ¹ se trouve le... ... elevator? ... un ascenseur ? ... restaurant / bar? ... un restaurant / bar ? ... pool? ... une piscine ? In the Hotel Room (Dans lHà ´tel Chambre) Once you get to your room, give yourself a quick quiz and see if you can recall these words in French. Bed ââ¬âà leà litPillow ââ¬âà loreillerSofa ââ¬âà leà canapà ©Dresser ââ¬âà laà commodeLamp ââ¬âà laà lampe You might also want to know that your room has a... Door ââ¬âà laà porteWindow ââ¬âà laà fenà ªtre In the Bathroom English has bathroom and restroom and French also has more than one word for this room. However, the difference tends to describe the amenities included within. Bathroom with a bathtub ââ¬âà laà salle de bainA room with a toilet ââ¬âà lesà toilettesà orà lesà W.-C. You might also want to know how to say some of these other bathroom-related words in French. Theyre easy and, who knows, they might come in handy someday. Bathtub ââ¬âà laà baignoireà orà leà bainSink ââ¬âà leà lavaboShower ââ¬âà laà doucheToilet ââ¬âà laà toiletteTowel ââ¬âà laà serviette
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Slavery Of African American Slaves - 1584 Words
Imagine a life without education. A life full of work, and worry. A life resembling hell. African American slaves were forced to live without privileges, until they found a solution. Slaves found freedom in the church, where they could praise, sing and be happy. The church was a way to express their hardships and rationally deal with slavery (Du Bois, 115). The preacher was their ââ¬Å"advocateâ⬠and someone they could relate to, and their feelings were in the music. The church was a place of security, where African Americans felt safe and comfortable (Du Bois, 115). Their faith in God became stronger through every worship, and the slaves were introduced to a new world, with a sense of safety. Although it seems like the African Americanââ¬â¢s were finally happy, there were also consequences. Some slaves were not permitted to attend church, so they proceeded with caution. Hand signals and passwords were sometimes the only way slaves can get into church. A few slave churches had strict rules about women attending, and some did not allow women at all. This led to slave women forming their own church in some cases. Since the church was a way for the slaves to feel freedom, religion among the African American slaves was the most important movement in slave history. Slavery evolved with the help of religion and, in some cases, is a key factor in the abolition of slavery among the United States. Before slaves were transported to the new world, they were used to a religion not quite asShow MoreRelatedSlavery : A African American Slave1518 Words à |à 7 Pageswas an African American slave that went through many hardships during his life just like any other slave. We look at slavery as a whole picture most of the time and donââ¬â¢t give very much thought to the political, economic, and racial factors that influence slavery, even in modern time. Of course, we know that slavery in the 1800ââ¬â¢s was extremely racial in that only blacks were enslaved. However, looking at the statistics as we talk about slavery, it has become widely apparent to me that slavery is largelyRead MoreTo What Extent Were African-American Slaves ââ¬Å"Freeâ⬠After the Abolition of Slavery by the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863? What Challenges Did They Face After Their Emancipation?2378 Words à |à 10 Pages To what extent were African-American slaves ââ¬Å"freeâ⬠after the abolit ion of slavery by the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863? What challenges did they face after their emancipation? This is a subject of continued interest. History is rife with records of decades of untold torture and harrowing experiences. African-American slaves suffered at the hands of their captors and masters. They were denied all natural rights as human beings and forced to live like animals. 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TheRead MoreAfrican American Slavery And The New World Essay1453 Words à |à 6 Pagesfortunate which at the time beingbwere africans. These laborers brung unimaginable wealth to empires but were treated as objects and their entire life were in the hands of their buyers. Its not clear exactly how and why something so cruel such as taking someones like and belittling it for labor reasons could have happened for so long. With my class notes and leads from the textbook it seems thst the forces tgat best explain the emergence of african American slavery in the new world colonies of WesternRead MoreReparations For Slavery During The Civil War1712 Words à |à 7 PagesReparations for slavery Reparations for slavery have been a topic among scholars and regular people for years now. During the Reconstruction Era after the Civil War many freed slaves were promised 40 acres of land, as a form of reparations.(Staff www.The However, this became an empty promise and nothing was enforced to help African Americans become socially, economically, or politically leveled with white Americans since. African Americans were enslaved to work for big corporations and
Short Story - 1284 Words
I watched the bastard that just bought me walk out of the room. I heard the click of the lock from the other side of the door and felt as though I was definitely screwed. Turning around in the chair to face forward again, I am met with 13 pairs of eyes staring at me. I tried to smile a little and raised my hand to wave. ââ¬Å"Astara.â⬠The creep sitting next to me states. I look at him and nod a little. He smirks. ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m Markus.â⬠He holds his hand out for me to shake and I hesitate for a moment before deciding to ââ¬Å"play niceâ⬠as Damien put it. The blonde woman was next to introduce herself, ââ¬Å"My nameââ¬â¢s April!â⬠She had a slight british accent. Interesting. She extends her hand and I accept it, a tad reluctantly because she was the one to begin theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This was extremely unnerving to me. I can tell you she was Native American with a tattoo, that I currently couldnââ¬â¢t get a good look at, on her right arm. ââ¬Å"Naomi.â⬠As Naomi says her name, she winks. Iââ¬â¢ll be surprised if sheââ¬â¢s the resident flirt. ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m Imogene, but you can just call me Gene.â⬠She had a slight Jamaican accent. The amount of diversity in this group astonished me. Most American groups are usually race exclusive, surprise. ââ¬Å"The name is Orchid.â⬠A French accent. She had to be fluent, right? Oh, that would be splendid. Hopefully, she and I will become friends, or allies, or whatever you want to call it in here. ââ¬Å"Do you speak French?â⬠I ask her in French and she seems to resist rolling her eyes. ââ¬Å"Yes. I speak French. I am from France. I bet that youââ¬â¢ve taken two or three French classes in your life and believe youââ¬â¢re fluent, donââ¬â¢t you? I can tell you that you are not. Youââ¬â¢ve only been speaking my language for a few fucking years. Donââ¬â¢t act like you know what Iââ¬â¢m saying, it wonââ¬â¢t help you in the long run.â⬠She says, narrowing her eyes. ââ¬Å"My great grandmother was from France. My grandmother made it a point for my mother and her siblings to learn it, fluently. Then, of course, she taught her grandchildren. I have been speaking French from the time I was born. The fact that people dismiss others for being bilingual is appalling. So, to recap, fuck you.â⬠I say coolly. She looks meShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:à à Characteristics â⬠¢Shortà - Can usually be read in one sitting. â⬠¢Concise:à à Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.à à This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot â⬠¢Usually tries to leave behind aà single impressionà or effect.à à Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. â⬠¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringingà personal experiencesà andà prior knowledgeà to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words à |à 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words à |à 8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. Aà short storyà like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), ââ¬Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.â⬠In the Cambridge Advanced Learnerââ¬â¢s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words à |à 3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is ââ¬Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mittyââ¬â¢ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words à |à 5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories ââ¬Å"Miss Brillâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a weddingâ⬠written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words à |à 6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 W ords à |à 6 Pages The End. In the short story, ââ¬Å"Emma Barrett,â⬠the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of eventsRead MoreRacism in the Short Stories1837 Words à |à 7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words à |à 7 PagesThe short stories ââ¬Å"The Idolâ⬠by Adolfo Bioy Casares and ââ¬Å"Axolotlâ⬠by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intr uding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In ââ¬Å"Axolotlâ⬠, the narrator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. In
Babies Learn before they are Born-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Explain why it is important for our profession to be up to date with brain research. 2.You have found to be worth commenting on that you were not aware of until now. I am expecting at least 4 points from you for this answer. Be sure to explain fully. 3.When you graduate you will be working in partnership with families. Share an idea on how you could relay this information to families. 4.In regard to child development, what further research do you recommend needs to be a priority and why? 5.List at least 4-5 thought provoking questions that you could ask the presenter of this video if you were in the audience. You may list these. Answers: 1.A lot of research has been done in the past about the brain and its function. Such information plays an important role in understanding developments patterns in children and adult. Many more new and revolutionary brain research is going on and it is important for scientist to remain update with brain research because it can help to explore a new dynamic picture of the brain function which was not known early. Being updated with new research may help to solve certain barriers that come in understanding human development in different context. New and current research on brain development can help to identify new ways of treating and preventing brain related disorders (DiLuca Olesen, 2014).. Hence, practice becomes easier when it is based on findings from recent medical research. In case of child learning and development also, there are many new research which are analyzing the impact of pregnancy physiology on child development, which can have implications for shaping the lives of c hildren and families (Ansell, 2016). 2.After seeing this video, I am amazed to learn that a baby starts learning before birth. Although I was aware that babies organs begins to develop at different stages of pregnancy, however I was not aware that babies start learning from the womb. For me, learning in children started after birth which was a misconception. Some of the surprises or wow information that I have received from this video are as follows: It was surprising to learn that babies recognize their mothers voices in the womb. I was aware that the amniotic fluid provides nutrition to fetus, however the information of sound traveling from the mothers abdominal tissue through the amniotic fluid is a wow element for me (Paul, 2011). I am no more able to relate to the fact that why babies respond so much to the voice of their mothers. Another very intriguing and new information that I have found in the video is that babies cry in the accent of their mothers native language too. The information that French babies cry on a rising note and German babies use falling note is fascinating information (Paul, 2011). In this case also, the mothers role in babies learning in the womb is recognized. I am also aware that babies develop their taste buds and olfactory receptors by seven months of gestation. However, new information that I have gained from the video is that babies recognize the flavors of the food their mother take too. This is a very surprising element (Paul, 2011). The video proved this fact by explanation regarding range of experiment done with pregnant women where babies were found to favor a food item when their mother ate a lot of that food item in the third trimester of pregnancy. The video is full of new information on what babies learn in the womb. The manner in which pregnant mothers diet affect a baby is also a new thing to learn. By stories on the Hunger winter and the way prenatal experience affects the bodies of mothers is also new information to learn (Paul, 2011). By using such information, pregnant women can help to provide the best environment to the fetus to promote their health and well being after birth too. 3.The information provides is very necessary for pregnant women and families to learn so that pregnant women take proper diet and behaves in a manner to promote optimal learning and development of their fetus. When I will graduate, then I aim pass on these information to families by holding a weekly session on the topic in centers where pregnant women comes for visit. I plan to present the information in an audio visual format along with some pictures too so that pregnant women get the message very clearly (Nagendran, Dimick, 2014). I will also distribute pamphlet after session which will make them aware about list of things that pregnant women should do during pregnancy. This will help them to maintain good diet as well as provide favorable environment to the developing fetus. 4.With regard to child development, I think research on the pregnant women behavior and fetal behavior during the prenatal period should be further explored. This is because the video has given a short insight that different types of pregnant womens behavior such as her voice, her diet and food patterns affects the response that babies take after birth. Hence, it would be interesting to learn the ideal behavior that women should demonstrate during the pregnancy period for the optimal development of fetus. It will also help gain new insight regarding how fetal behavior promotes survival and transition to the postnatal world. Such research would give detailed insight into prenatal sensory experiences and their impact on the structure of brain and neural processing (Hepper, 2015). Such research will also have great implication in improving survival and development in babies after birth. 5.If I was present in the audience, I would have asked the presenter the following list of questions: With regard to the information given that fetal learns the sound of their mothers voices, I would ask the presenter whether there is any valid evidence based research to prove the point. Gaining this knowledge will be important for me to ensure that the information is credible (Cope, 2014, January). If I get to access 4-5 recent articles that prove that fetus hears the sound of their mothers voice, then I would be more able to believe the information. At the starting of the video, the presenter told that babies are good at sucking. Hence, I would like to ask the presenter why babies do not have to learn sucking. What experiences in the prenatal period help them learn ways to suck. This would give new insight regarding any maternal behavior that promotes acquiring such skills in babies. In response to the presenters statement that babies cry in their mothers native language and that they imitate melodic contours of the language (Paul, 2011), I would ask how a fetus can learn such specific skill. This information seemed unbelievable because melodic contours of a language are a complex task which seems unbelievable to be done by a fetus. More explanation might help to get clear understanding about the fact. I would also like to inquire about the physiological mechanism in pregnant women who starves and its contribution to high rate of obesity and diabetes. The mechanism behind the action would be clear by this statement References Ansell, N. (2016).Children, youth and development. Routledge. Cope, D. G. (2014, January). Methods and meanings: credibility and trustworthiness of qualitative research. InOncology nursing forum(Vol. 41, No. 1). DiLuca, M., Olesen, J. (2014). The cost of brain diseases: a burden or a challenge?.Neuron,82(6), 1205-1208. Hepper, P. (2015). Behavior during the prenatal period: Adaptive for development and survival.Child Development Perspectives,9(1), 38-43. Nagendran, M., Dimick, J. B. (2014). Disseminating research findings: preparing for Generation Y.JAMA surgery,149(7), 629-630. Paul, A. (2011).What we learn before we're Retrieved 19 February 2018, from
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Frog Lab Report free essay sample
When the heart skips a beat, it is actually Just your hearts normal cardiac rhythm being somehow interrupted and causing an extra beat or a skipped beat (compensatory pause). The atria are supposed to contract first, but in this case the ventricles contract first which is wrong and the heart has to then correct itself by pausing and waiting for the atria to contract again (1). This is what feels like a skipped beat, and it appears like one too on an ECG because there is a big pause between atrial contractions. To cause the ventricles to contract early, an electrical tumulus (or one of many other problems that could potentially affect the heart, in this case it is electrical shock) must be applied during atrial relaxation to cause the ventricles to contract before the atria. Different chemicals, or reagents, cause different things to happen to the heart. Some reagents, like nor epinephrine, are released during stressful times and cause the heart rate to increase and contract with more force. This is an example of an excitatory neurotransmitter, which can be depleted in many ways, for example by a reagent that does the opposite of what it does, which would be to decrease heart rate (2). Some reagents, like, cause the heart rate to dramatically decrease and could potentially be harmful if not corrected. But, these effects can be inhibited by reagents like atropine and allow heart rate to return to normal. Others, like potassium chloride, could cause the heart to stop completely and are used for such methods like lethal injection in prisons. Given all of this information, our hypothesis was that the frog hearts used in this experiment would follow the expectations that this background information tells us. When stimulated at the right time the heart would have an extra systole event, when iv en an excitatory neurotransmitter the heart rate and contraction force would increase, etc. The frog hearts, if they are healthy and functioning properly, will react normally to all of the stimuli/reagents applied to it. Materials and Methods: Before the dissection, the equipment and strength of the frogs heart beat needed to be tested. So, ECG pins were inserted in both shoulders and right thigh of the frog via small incisions made with scissors. We first tested lead l, which involved placing the ground pin in the right thigh, the positive pin in the left shoulder, and the negative pin in the right shoulder. Once the pins were in place, the equipment was set up so that the settings were at single event mode, looms event interval, Oms event delay, 10ms pulse width, and single pulse. The SIU was set at 1 mA range, positive polarity, and 20. 0% of range. The settings were 2K gain, AC, 30HZ low frequency, and 0. kHz high frequency. Finally, the transducer amplifier was set at bridge mode, 100 filter, and 20 sensitivity. Once all of the equipment and the frog were set up, lead I ECG recordings were made until good records were recorded. The R wave, duration of atrial depolarization, duration of electrical A-V delay, duration of ventricular depolarization, and duration of electrical ventricular depolarizations were then measured. Then, the set up was changed to represent lead II, which only changed the location of the positive pin to the left thigh instead of shoulder. Once this change took place, the same Now that baseline recordings were measured, the frog could be dissected. First, all four limbs were pinned to the dissecting pan with heavy pins. Next, the skin of the abdomen and chest (and some of the neck) was removed using forceps and scissors. It was removed in a rectangular shape, going across the abdomen and up the sides and then across the neck. Then the muscle was removed in the same fashion, and the heart was visible. The pericardium was removed unintentionally during muscle removal, so it was not possible to observe it. Now that the heart was visible and accessible, a piece of thread approximately 20cm long was looped on both ends. One end was attached to a Z pin, which was attached to the very end where the apex is because that is Just tissue. The other end attached to an S-hook on a transducer connecting to the machinery and computer. The equipment and frog were positioned so that the string was taut when the ventricles relaxed. The heart was kept moist with ringers throughout the entire experiment. Observing the heart beat via the ECG on the computer, the atrial and ventricle contractions were observed and noted as to where in the recording they were. Once these were established, the single event button was pressed at the peak of each ventricular contraction, maximum ventricular relaxation, peak of each atrial contraction, and maximum atrial relaxation. Now an extra-ventricular contraction needed to be made. To do this, two pin electrodes were used as paddles with the negative pin near the base of the heart and the positive pin near the apex. The accupulser/SllJ settings were changed to deliver single pulses of 20ms duration and 0. 5mA, and stimuli were applied at different times in the cardiac cycle using the single event button. When a response to the stimulus was seen, two beats were allowed to go by before stimulating the heart again. Next, stimulus was applied to create the illusion of a heart blockage. The electrodes were rearranged to once again represent lead l, and thread was tied around the narrow groove of the heart between the atria and ventricles. As the recordings continued, the string was tightened more and more until evidence of an A-V conduction block became apparent (a ventricular beat did not follow every atrial beat). Then the recording was continued until there was no ventricular contraction in the mechanical record. After these four tests were done, a new frog was used and dissected the same as the first one. The lead II setting proved to show better results than lead I during this experiment so that set up was used. For this part of the experiment, different reagents were injected into the liver of the frog and the results were observed on the ECG recordings. mL syringes were used to administer the reagents, and cleaned between each one by filling and emptying with ringers about six times each. The first reagent was 0. 1% nor epinephrine, 0. 25mL were injected into the liver of the frog and the results were observed and recorded. Then 0. 1% epinephrine was injected, then 0. 1%, all using the same procedure. The next reagent used was 0. 5mL of, a beta-adrenergic antagonist (slows down heart), which needed to be almost immediately counteracted with so the heart would not begin to stop. The results of Just the metoprolol observed and recorded. Acetylcholine was then used, 0. 25mL immediately followed by 0. 25mL of 0. 5% atropine in order to restart the heart. Once the heart rate was back to normal (or as close as it would get at this point), the final reagents were injected. First was 1% calcium chloride in frog ringers, and finally the frog was given 2% potassium chloride which was the final reagent before the heart did not recover. All of the results were observed and recorded for all of the reagents. Results: The control baseline ECG recording before the dissection showed t he lead I set up had a peak R wave amplitude of 70. 5mV and a visible P wave and QRS wave difficult to find the T wave). The lead II set up had a peak R wave amplitude of -55mV as well as a visible P wave (again, hard to see the T wave). Using the R wave amplitudes for lead I and lead II, we were able to predict that our frog heart apex was most likely pointed down and towards the left lung. When the stimulus was applied during maximum atrial relaxation, the atrial contraction recordings began to visibly merge with the ventricular contraction recordings. It also caused the P waves to become very difficult to see, if they were even present at all. The maximum R wave amplitude during this time was â⬠275mV. The same results happened when the stimulus was introduced during maximum atrial contraction (â⬠275mV), maximum ventricular relaxation (â⬠300mV) and maximum ventricular contraction (â⬠300mV). The extra systole occurred about 750ms after the extra stimulus was introduced to the heart, and right after that the compensatory pause was both seen on the ECG as well as the frog heart itself. During this pause, the ventricles swelled much more than normal and then finally contracted. It took a few tries to cause the extra systole to occur, but it finally did when the stimulus was introduced during maximum atrial relaxation. The maximum R wave amplitude after the compensatory pause was 300mv. When the A-V block was simulated, the ECG showed a complete separation of the ventricular contraction waves and the atrial contraction waves, as well as a huge decrease in amplitude in the QRS wave. The new maximum R wave amplitude was â⬠25mV. When the blockage was complete, there were no ventricular contractions of any kind and instead big pauses between atrial contractions.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Proven Effective Essay Sample Format
Proven Effective Essay Sample FormatAre you looking for a persuasive essay sample format? Then, read on! You will learn how to write a well structured essay that uses structure to grab the reader's attention.One good way to get an idea of how to structure a persuasive essay is to read some academic works. One such book that contains one of the best examples of the topic is 'The Power of the P-Word.' It covers an entire essay in just over two hundred and twenty pages. This book also explains in detail what methods of argument and analysis are used to achieve the outcomes.When you are reviewing an essay sample format, you want to know the time frame it uses. The length is a very important aspect of the form. No matter what the subject matter, no matter what the topic, an essay must be written within a certain time frame.The thesis statement or introduction is the first part of the essay that is divided into paragraphs. To understand this process, it is best to think of your title as a thesis statement.The next step is to break down the content of the article by highlighting key terms and concepts that will make up the main ideas of the essay. This is where many people go wrong when writing essays. They do not break down the content because they are too lazy. You want to include lots of information to make it appealing, but you don't want to overwhelm your reader with too much.The third step is to make sure that you also include a conclusion, a conclusion that has both a conclusion statement and body statement. This can be done through the use of an epilogue or as a conclusion to the essay itself. The body part is usually the next portion to be developed. This is where youwill go over some facts or statements that you have previously made.By understanding this persuasive essay sample format, you will be able to organize your thoughts better and get your points across. Not only that, but it is easier to write and read. Writing well and reading well, you will be in good shape to tackle any academic writing or research that may come your way.Getting a solid foundation for your essay is extremely important so that you can make the most out of the persuasive essay sample format. The first step is to create a starting point. Then work to add more to the starting point, and finish up with the finished product.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Categorical Imperative Example Essays
Categorical Imperative Example Essays Categorical Imperative Example Paper Categorical Imperative Example Paper Kant is an 18th century German philosopher who wrote the book Groundwork for metaphysics. The book deals with his theory that morality is a priori synthetic (a priori is a statement that is knowable without reference to any experience and synthetic means having truth or falsity can be tested using experience or the senses) and that moral decisions should be taken with a universal view to oneââ¬â¢s duty to mankind as a whole. He laid out his ideas about the categorical imperative in this book. An imperative is a statement of what should be done. The philosopher Hume said that you canââ¬â¢t get a ââ¬Ëshouldââ¬â¢ statement out of an ââ¬Ëifââ¬â¢ statement. This means that experience can only give us hypothetical imperatives (not moral commands to the will ââ¬â they are ââ¬Ëifââ¬â¢ statements and do not apply to everyone and you only need obey them if you want to achieve a certain goal, for example, ââ¬Ëifââ¬â¢ you want to be healthy then you should exercise and eat a balanced diet). A categorical imperative is a ââ¬Ëshouldââ¬â¢ statement, but it is not based on experience, and doesnââ¬â¢t rely on a particular outcome. According to Kant, categorical imperatives apply to everyone because they are based on an objective a priori law of reason (an objective law is something that is factually true). The categorical imperative is one principle with three formulations: The Universal Law, treat humans as ends in themselves and act as if you live in a Kingdom of Ends. The natural law is to ââ¬Å"act according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal lawâ⬠and what it says is that everyone should universalise their maxims without contradiction ââ¬â for an imperative to be categorical or deontological it must consist of principles that can be applied in any situation. This basically means that before you do something you should ask yourself if you would like everyone in the same situation. If not, then you are involved in a contradiction and what you are thinking of doing is wrong because it is against reason. Kant uses the example of a suicidal man as an example: A man feels sick of life and wants to commit suicide. His maxim is that from self-love I want to shorten my life if its continuance threatens more evil than it promises pleasure. He asks himself whether he would universalise this law, his answer is no because it is humansââ¬â¢ duty to stimulate the furtherance of life and to destroy life would contradict itself and therefore is entirely opposed to the supreme principle of duty. The second principle is to treat humans as ends in themselves: ââ¬Å"so act as to treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of any other, never solely as a means but always as an endâ⬠. Kant argues that all humans are searching for the summam bonum (a state in which human virtue and happiness are united). Kant believes that we all have an immortal soul and because of this immortal soul, humans deserve special treatment and that we should seek happiness as long as this happiness does not infringe on other humans ability to seek happiness and this means that we should not exploit others or treat them as things to achieve an end, as they are as rational as we are. To treat another person as a means is to deny that person the right to be rational and independent judge of their actions. It is to make oneself in some way superior and different. An example could be having a sexual relationship with someone ââ¬â if you have only have sex with someone because you want something from them and not because you love them. The final principle is to act as if you live in a Kingdom of Ends; Kant said ââ¬Å"act as a legislating member in the universal Kingdom of Endsâ⬠. This means that everyone should act as every other person were an ââ¬Ëendââ¬â¢ ââ¬â a free, independent agent. Kant believed that each person is independent and moral judgements should not be based on any empirical consideration about human nature, human flourishing or human destiny. What this means is that every individual has the ability to understand the principles of pure practical reason and follow them. Pure practical reason must be impartial and so its principles must apply equally to everyone. An example of this is if youââ¬â¢re trying to decide if it would be justified to kill someone who was threatening your family ââ¬â using Kantian principles ââ¬â you should not kill them. Acting according to the third principle (and taking the first and second into account) murder can obviously not be universalised or humanity would be wiped out, and killing the man threatening your family is treating him as a means (to saving your family) rather than an end: a human seeking summum bonum. In conclusion, there are three different formulations for Kantââ¬â¢s categorical imperative: The Universal Law, treat humans as ends in themselves and act as if you live in a Kingdom of Ends. Together these three formulations seek to allow humans to make moral decisions which do not infringe the happiness of others but also allow us to progress to perfection.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Realism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Realism - Essay Example Various heated arguments have developed on realism and many scholars have come out their own construed versions of the perceived realism. Kenneth Waltz argues that all of the various explanations for the causes of war can be easily filtered into three images: that of man, the state and the international system. Applying Waltzââ¬â¢s logic to the realist camp, distinct categories of explanations can be readily identified. For example, traditional realism, with its emphasis on individuals, explains international phenomena and state behaviour from the point of view that human nature is intrinsically evil. Structural realism on the other hand throws out this assumption, and conducts an analysis based on the objective nature of the international structure, a system-level analysis. From the perspective of units of analysis, the different casual stories told by realist thinkers can be divided into three distinct categories: human nature realism, state-centric realism and system-centric realism2. Human nature realism, also known as biological realism, 3Donelly emphasizes man's biological abilities and intrinsically evil nature. Most classical realists (including the many modern political philosophers who have contributed to the development of realist thought), including especially Machiavelli, Herbert Butterfield, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Hans Morgenthau fall into this category. Morgenthau's theory is the best example of human nature realism in international relations. In ââ¬Å"Politics among Nationsâ⬠, Morgenthau. presents a systematic discussion of the basic principles of realism. The first of these principles consists of an assumption regarding the role of human nature in politics: politics 'is governed by the objective laws that have their root in human nature.' In Morgenthau's view, 'political man is a selfish animal, and all human behaviour tends towards the control of others.' As a result, battles over power are rooted in human nature and as such are central to politics.4 State-centric realism looks for explanations for international relations phenomena and state behaviour from the vantage point of individual states (including national attributes, national interests and domestic politics). It is generally thought that realism does not concern domestic aspects of politics, or that consideration of such domestic issues represents a step away from realism's core concerns. Griffiths. M (1999) this type of view though represents an obvious misunderstanding of realism. The neo-classical realism argues more explicitly that individual states should be integrated into the theories of foreign policy. Scholars working to these ends have attempted to establish a connection between the state and system-levels of analysis, and have emphasized the role of domestic factors in explaining how state behaviour leads to outcomes at the system level. From the writings of the mainstream neo-classical realists, states are still treated as the determining factors in the analysis of foreign policy and state behaviour, thus these theories are considered to be 'second image' theories.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Identify the main reasons behind the phenomenal success of Facebook Essay
Identify the main reasons behind the phenomenal success of Facebook. Evaluate whether the rapid growth of the last decade can be sustained - Essay Example The site has recorded tremendous growth since its inception, and this is owed to various factors as will be discussed in this paper. The success of Facebook mainly lies on the fact that the company has endeavored to improve the products it offers so that they meet the requirements of users (Walter, 2013). At first, the company did not dwell on making profits, but with the increased dependency of people on Facebook for various purposes it started making profits from advertising and selling data that was exchanged through the site. Facebook has developed to be one of the most popular sites since its inception in 2004 and continues to gather a following to the present day. Being the largest social media site, Facebook was started as a theory in 2003 by Zuckerberg, a Harvard student and was known as, at that time (Phillips, 2007). The site allowed Zuckerbergââ¬â¢s classmates to visit the site and compare how attractive people were, but was criticized and it did not become a success then. However, in 2004 mark launched the Facebook and within a day more than 1200 Harvard students had signed up and created a profile. In no time, word spread around, and the founders of the site saw it necessarily to open the site to other universities in the states. As at august 2005, the site was bought for 200,000$ and was now referred to as (Phillips, 2007). High schools in the United States were now allowed to create profiles and as at September the same year, it began to be known all over the world with the united kingdom universities being the first to know about the site after the united states. As word spread all over the world about the site, the network grew beyond being only used in schools but was now accessible to anybody who wanted to join and had an email address. The fact that the site was free to join made it easy for it to grow as more features were added to it to make user friendly. It made profits through
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Human Behavior & society Essay Example for Free
Human Behavior society Essay One good argument in favor of natural determination of human behavior is through an experiment done with lab rats. In this case, a castrated male rat (with no testosterone) is placed with a female lab rat that has been injected with testosterone. In this case, the female acts dominant while the male is submissive. This to an extent proves that natural factors e. g. hormones play an important role in human behavior. Besides this, the moodiness experienced by humans undergoing puberty, as well as pre-menstrual syndrome, in which human behavior fluctuates, shows that natural factors do play a role in determining human behavior. On the other hand, the lab rat experiment is questionable, mainly because the biology of rats is significantly different from humans, and secondly, because humans themselves consume testosterone without such drastic swings in behavior. This suggests that what is currently seen as hormone-triggered changes in human behavior could have social undercurrents. Human behavior itself is a highly complex topic. In some instances, as seen with hormones and also genetically inherited diseases, it is completely due to natural circumstances and events. In other instances, certain types of human behavior is caused by social conditioning and socialization e. g. compliance with the law and the observance of norms and values. In some unusual cases, it is determined by nature and society, working hand-in-hand, or sometimes one after the other to cause a change in such behavior. To judge this issue in terms of absolutes would be unjustified. Exactly in what way human behavior is developed depends on both society and on nature- and in many cases either society or nature is more dominant. However, it is clear that human behavior overall is shaped by a blend of both natural and social factors and issues, from genetic inheritance to socio-economic class.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Clark and Menefee Architects :: essays papers
Clark and Menefee Architects The Reid House was designed by W.G. Clark and Charles Menefee and built in Johnââ¬â¢s Island, SC in 1986. Menefee and Clark designed primarily in the American South. Clark and Menefee are known for their ââ¬Å"tripartite vertical organization.â⬠The base level normally consists of secondary bedroom(s)/studio spaces and services. The First floor is a ââ¬Å"piano nobile of principal rooms with a double-height living space.â⬠The attic level usually consists of the master bedroom and bath. The Reid House is set up in this fashion. The house is located in a modest setting, surrounded by house trailers and cheaply built houses. The image of the house was ââ¬Å"derived from vernacular farm buildings as well as from more formal Palladian structures.â⬠One author described the setting as ââ¬Å"Johnââ¬â¢s Island, a peaceful landscape where truck farmers tend tomato fields carved out of scrub-pine and dwarf-cedar forests, and where the front yards of shacks ar e littered with junked cars, rusting agricultural machinery, and other decaying impedimenta of the Industrial Revolution.â⬠The house is a three-story tower with two components. The first is a 20 ft. sq. section made of concrete block, housing the living and bedrooms, referred to as the ââ¬Å"served space(s).â⬠The second part, referred to as the ââ¬Å"serving space(s),â⬠is a wood-frame shed that holds the kitchen and the bathrooms. These two components are ââ¬Å"joined at the fireplace and chimney, around which the stair winds.â⬠The materials used for the house are inexpensive, in keeping with the surrounding structures. One section is made of concrete blocks, exposed on the inside and covered with waterproofing paint on the outside. The other part of the house is ââ¬Å"sheathed in plywood and battens and its roof is covered in asphalt shingle.â⬠The floors are painted pine, the interior partitions, painted plywood. The total cost of the house was $102,000, only $2,000 over the budget that the Reids had set. They wanted the house built because they wanted to move their two small children out of a trailer home, and they wanted to have a larger space in which they could manage their 120-acre horse farm. The total area of the house is only 1600 sq. ft. One author noted that the house ââ¬Å"[reconciles] lofty aspirations and modest means.â⬠W.G.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Tell Tale Heart Study Packet
ââ¬Å"The Tell-Tale Heartâ⬠by Edgar Allan Poe Activity Packet [pic] [pic] Name ____________________________________________ L. A. Period ________ Your score ___________out of 30 points possible ( Covers plot elements, comprehension, figurative language, mood, character traits, , and setting ) Pre-Reading Guide for ââ¬Å"Tell-Tale Heartâ⬠Name _________________________________________ Period ___________ (5 pts. ) Describe five things that you usually find in a scary/horror story: 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ . _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________ Read the following statements. If you agree with them, put a check in the YOU column. Then, AFTER we read the story, go back and put a check in the AUTHOR column if you feel the author agrees with that statement. YOUAUTHORSTATEMENT ____________1. People who are insane know that they are insane. ____________2. Sane people sometimes imagine that they hear things. ___________3. If you commit a crime, the worst punishment is the guilt afterward. ____________4. Often itââ¬â¢s the small annoying things about people that can be the most irritating and infuriating. ____________5. All people are basically afraid of the same things. ____________6. When youââ¬â¢ve done something wrong, wondering if youââ¬â¢ll be caught can cause great stress and anxiety. ââ¬Å"Tell-Tale Heartâ⬠comprehension QuestionsName__________________ (20 pts. ) After reading ââ¬Å"Tell-Tale Heartâ⬠by Poe, answer the following questions using short answers.They do not need to be complete sentences, but answer each part of the question thoroughly. 1. Who is telling this story (narrating)? Is it first, second, or third person? 2. What is your first impression of the n arrator? What does he try convincing the reader of? 3. How does the narrator feel about the old man in general? What, then, specifically, is it about the old man that troubles/bothers the narrator? Why? How often does the narrator mention this ââ¬Å"thingâ⬠in the story? 4. What does the narrator tell us he does every night? Why? 5. How does the narrator feel immediately after he commits the murder?Do his feelings change? If so, how and why? ââ¬Å"Tell-Tale Heartâ⬠Comprehension Questions continuedâ⬠¦Name__________________ 6. What sound drives the narrator to confess to the crime? What do you think causes his paranoia? 7. Give two direct and specific examples from the story that the author uses to create an atmosphere of horror or suspense. These are sentences that set or enhance the MOOD of the story. Give the page number. 8. Give one example where the author uses punctuation or repeated words or phrases in a sentence to show the mood of horror or suspense. . Find o ne example of each of the following: a. Alliteration ââ¬â Pg. ___ ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ b. Simile ââ¬â Pg. ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. c. Personification ââ¬â Pg. _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Siege Of Jerusalem, Pompeii, Herculaneum, And Jerusalem
City configuration was a big contributor to the vulnerability of Rome, Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Jerusalem as well as the social importance of class and rule in their leaders. Nero in Rome and Titus during the Siege of Jerusalem cared for themselves and their materialistic values rather than the lives of others. Consequently, their people and cities were torn apart. Similarly in 2011, the Fukushima nuclear disaster effected the city in Japan severely. They withheld important information regarding the nuclear explosions and radiation because they wanted to save face and avoid the consequences. Japan and the company in charge, TEPCO, put themselves above the lives of the people in Japan just like Titus and Nero did in Rome and Jerusalem. In his letters to Atticus, Cicero frequently wrote about the social and political life in Rome. We get a great idea of what the Roman Republic was like with his speeches, books, but specifically his letters. He enjoyed writing to Atticus about the prob lems he saw with the government and complained to him about the officials and inherited wealth of Roman men. If he was alive during the time of Neroââ¬â¢s rule we would expect to read and see letters to his friends about Neroââ¬â¢s wealth and incapability to rule. Cicero would have been enraged with him about the Great Fire of Rome just as Pliny, Suetonius, and Dio Cassius were. According to one article by Keresztes, ââ¬Å"Of the earliest surviving sources, Pliny the Elder, Suetonius and Dio Cassius all,
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